love it
but mario ain't captured easy. Still a great flash
love it
but mario ain't captured easy. Still a great flash
A good Maplestory flash
thnx =)
ok episode
but u need to work on your drawings 4 the pokemon.
ok thx
It*s good
but i liked the first one better than this one (no offence)
u mean this flash or the last one. because a ton of time went into this one. and i got everyone to do their part for this one.
Love lucario
It's like a Smash Bros clip(duh) and i am a big fan of Smash Bros
thx, i dont know if i put alot of emphasis on it but that was Ike at the begining.
love it
i love this series, but who was that guy fighting the zombies first?
but your first mistake was it's a disney video, second, the jokes weren't funny.Lastly i saw all the fish mouthes move like a can use a trigger to move the mouth. Just like this flash
love it
to note for all review watchers the first floor : chainsaw massacre, second floor: girl from the ring and the third floor: no clue.
it's good
it's funny, and the graphics were ok
sorta weird
but why a weedle or why doesn't it even look like weedle. Why not that caterpillar pokemon
you see my heart broken but my mind is fixed
somewhere in the world
Joined on 7/11/08